Generate optimal and predicted profiles for drivers or enclosures. Basic T/S parameters are enough to start designing. Enjoy the built-in Conversion Calculator which standardizes measurements for all linear, area and volume calculations.
It is intended to be uncomplicated (even for the beginner), but genuinely helpful to anyone building a subwoofer or doudspeaker.
Clean & Simple. Box-Port Design uses a single interface to generate both optimal and predicted profiles for your driver/enclosure. You need only basic T/S parameters to start designing!
Multi-Design. Supports sealed, vented and single-bandpass projects.
Precise. Freely change any of the units of measurement without introducing rounding error and without altering the original data.
Essential Settings. Many speaker design parameters have little or no substantive effect on system behavior. Box-Port Design's options and settings reflect this fact.
Conversion Calculator. This built-in component makes it easy to standardize measurements for all linear, area and volume calculations.
Vent Mach Ceiling. Box-Port Design is still the only software that optimizes port dimensions based on target vent mach values.
Auto-Box Sizing. The built-in Box Planner can quickly generate two types of optimized boxes that satisfy the project's width and volume requirements.
Comments (7)
Still not for PCs using European standards. Too bad.